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Felix boosted
Felix boosted

@dick I think that you had a strong case with the too many dicks on the dance floor problem, but you gotta hand it to Karl, he brought notes and was going full bore on you guys. Karl does his homework it seems (unless its for The Creep Off).

Felix boosted
Here's the Cloudflare Sydney protest that Liz Fong-Jones organized. Bonus pic of LFJ virgin walking from it.

This is what they were afraid of. The technocrats have literally no balls. This entire system could collapse to a strong breeze.
Felix boosted
Felix boosted
Amewican cuwtuwe is centewed awound niggews. They have howidays fow niggews. They kiwwed hundweds of thousands of white men to fwee niggews. They wisten to niggew music. They ewect a niggew as theiw pwesident. They dwess and act wike niggews. They dwaw the entiwety of theiw modewn cuwtuwe fwom niggews. They post sassy gifs about niggews. They watch spowtsbaww in wowship of niggews. Theiw biggest event of the yeaw invowves thwowing pawties in honow of niggews pwaying spowts. They use niggew swang wike "bwuh" and "thot". When you say "Mawtin Wuthew" they'we not thinking of the fathew of pwotestantism. They'we thinking of the niggew. Theiw cities awe compwetewy ovewwun with niggews. They wowship theiw ZOGbot powice fowce dispwopowtionatewy fiwwed with niggews and theiw gwobaw powice fowce of sowdiews fiwwed with niggews. Theiw men sit awound watching niggew baww whiwe theiw women sit awound watching niggew tawk shows. They wowship niggews wike Muhammad Awi and Michaew Jowdan and Michaew Jackson and the wate Eddie Muwphy whiwe attacking the whites who actuawwy buiwt theiw countwy befowe niggews took ovew. Theiw movies awe fiwwed with niggews and theiw music chawts awe topped by niggews. They send niggews to the Owympics and cewebwate when the niggews win because those niggews awe twue wed bwooded amewican niggews. They watch niggew pown to a point whewe "BBC" does not make them think of an intewnationaw media company but about niggew penises instead. They wiww teww you how much they hate niggews and how the mutt's waw meme is a stawe joke and they awe just pwetending to wove niggews but the evidence speaks fow itsewf in that Amewica has awways been and wiww be a nation of niggew woving niggews

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Felix boosted
They are really advertising this Camp Lejune lawsuit about contaminated water, it's constantly on tv, radio, and there's also a billboard off the highway. 🤷‍♀️
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