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Sorry guys... 😿I killed all the spam bots.

There is a coming age that I call Curio CabiNET, the unselectable, unsavable, curated internet future that they want to move everyone onto. I've noticed a lot of apps are now obscuring text selection, the next step is preventing text selection. New level of Read Only. Captcha data becomes the content. Unreadable by machines. No copy and paste. No screenshots. Already there in some ways with appstores.

Anime vs Furry animevsfurry.com IDK Maybe you like anime or something! Maybe you're a furry. Just vote!

@georgetakei You sucked a guys dick on tv. That's gross. You're gross.

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I had a bad kombucha and got gastroenteritis for a week. <3 nuked social will get the love it deserves tomorrow when I fix some crap going on with it

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If there's an article out there with a headline similar to, "Don't throw away your face masks just yet: Scientists say they can reduce the effect of nuclear fallout," please kindly link to it so I can kill myself.

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>jim telling 8,000 people to ask me questions
oh god

@Jim I hope a bunch of people sign up for my website and spam me with questions.

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Felix boosted
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Nuked Social

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